For most Correctional Officers, there is a minimum retirement eligibility age. For some, your retirement eligibility may mirror your Social Security Normal Retirement Age (SSNRA). Based on your retirement schedule, your retirement age and required years of service may differ. Your schedule is determined by the date you were hired and the number of years of service you had at certain points in time.
Here are the retirement schedules for correctional officers:
- Schedule CO: members who were 50 years old or older and had at least 20 years of contributory service in the Department of Corrections by September 30, 2009 are eligible to retire.
- Schedule CO1E: members who were not eligible to retire as of September 30, 2009 but became eligible by June 30, 2012 by attaining 55 years of age – proportionally scaled back based on the number of years of service as of September 30, 2009 – can retire with 25 years of contributory service within the Department of Corrections.
- Schedule CO1NE: members who were not eligible to retire by either September 30, 2009 or June 30, 2012 are in this schedule. Their retirement eligibility is age 55 with 25 years of contributory service within the Department of Corrections OR the Social Security Normal Retirement Age with at least 5 years of contributory service.
- Schedule CO2: members who were hired on or after October 1, 2009 (through June 30, 2012) are retirement eligible at age 55 with 25 years of contributory service within the Department of Corrections OR Social Security Normal Retirement Age with at least 5 years of contributory service.
- Schedule CO3: members who were hired on or after July 1, 2012 are retirement eligible at age 55 with 25 years of contributory service within the Department of Corrections OR Social Security Normal Retirement Age with at least 5 years of contributory service.
Click the link below for annual accrual information for your schedule.
Combining Time
If you do not have 25 years of service as a Correctional Officer, but have contributory service as both a Correctional Officer and a State employee, ERSRI will combine your time to determine your earliest eligible retirement date and the schedule that will apply to the calculation of your benefit. Your retirement age isequivalent to your Social Security Normal Retirement Age with adjustments according to the State employee schedule that will apply to you, or is determined using the Rule of 95, whichever is lower.
For members with combined Correctional Officer and State employee time, the combined time will be used to calculate your retirement benefit. You will receive a single benefit, combining the accruals from your years of service in each position.
If you have combined time as a Correctional Officer and a State employee, we urge you to contact the ERSRI Customer Service Center at (401) 462-7600 for your eligibility date and benefit estimate instead of referring to the online member portal, which may not be accurate.