September 21, 2018

Rhode Island Pension Fund Releases Overview of Recent Actions to Strengthen Corporate Accountability

September 21, 2018: Treasurer Magaziner today released an overview of the actions his office has taken this year to strengthen corporate accountability at hundreds of publicly traded companies in which the state's pension fund invests.


Each year, publicly traded companies seek votes from shareholders on items including electing board members, executive pay packages, as well as proposals from shareholders on environmental, social and governance issues. As a multi-billion-dollar investor in the U.S. and Global stock markets, Rhode Island's pension fund holds shares in thousands of companies.

quot;Every Rhode Islander deserves to retire with dignity and financial security, especially those who spend their careers in public service," said Treasurer Magaziner. "We expect companies in which we invest to engage in responsible business practices that protect members of the pension fund from financial risk. Shareholder engagement allows us to advocate for our members and hold corporations accountable." here.