At the time of hire and following major life events, including marriage, divorce, births and deaths, all members should review the beneficiary information on their ERSRI retirement account to ensure that it is up-to-date. ERSRI does not receive beneficiary information from employers.
For active members, the pension system pays a death benefit to your designated beneficiary. The death benefit is a one-time payment of $800 per full year of service, up to a maximum of $16,000. Following retirement, the benefit is reduced by 25% each year with a minimum benefit of $4,000. You may name one or more beneficiaries. A Primary Beneficiary is the person who will receive a death benefit. You can name multiple primary beneficiaries, and the system will split your benefit among all primary beneficiaries. A Contingent Beneficiary (or beneficiaries) will only receive a death benefit if all primary beneficiaries are deceased.
If you pass away before you retire, your beneficiary will also be entitled to a return of your contributions, in addition to the death benefit. If you are vested and have named an Optional Annuity Protection (OAP) beneficiary, your beneficiary will have the option of receiving either a return of your contributions or a monthly annuity, in addition to the death benefit. Important: Public safety members should only fill out an Optional Annuity Protection form if their beneficiary is not their spouse as the OAP form will negate whatever benefits are available under the police and fire statutes.
How-to video on designating a beneficiary
This brief video outlines the steps to take to designate or change your beneficiary.

Run time: 1:44 minutes
Added: June 2022
How to Review Your ERSRI Beneficiary Information Online
For members who have registered for online access to their retirement accounts, you can review your designations by simply logging into the ERSRI Member Portal, navigating to the “My Pension” section, and selecting “View My Pension Profile”.
Updating Your ERSRI Beneficiary
If your beneficiary information is not on file or is outdated, you can update your designations by downloading and completing a Beneficiary Designation form below, which contains detailed step-by-step instructions. Please note that this form must be notarized before it is submitted to ERSRI.
Completed forms may be mailed or delivered to the address noted on the form. Please note that ERSRI Beneficiary Designation forms submitted by fax or email will not be processed.
TIAA Beneficiary Designation
If you worked after June 30, 2012 for an employer participating in ERSRI and have funds on deposit with TIAA, please remember to update your TIAA beneficiary information as well. To change your beneficiary online, login to your TIAA account. If you need further assistance with your TIAA beneficiary designation, please contact TIAA at (800) 842-2252.
HARTFORD Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation
Use the HARTFORD Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation form if you would like to name a new beneficiary on your HARTFORD policy. This form must be sent directly to the HARTFORD Insurance address located on the form.
Download to update the beneficiary for your HARTFORD life insurance policy.